at the corner of No and Where

Off the deep end or finally may have gotten it right

I decided to buy an 17″ Apple Powerbook laptop. Yes, the Powerbook instead of the very popular Macbook/Macbook Pro Intel-based laptops from Apple. The Intel-based Apples seem to be all the rage, but they were lacking in one critical area – they do not have a pcmcia slot. Without that slot, I can’t use my Verizon cellular modem. A second, slightly less important difference is that the Powerbook has a built-in telephone modem. With the cellular card handling my main internet connection duties out here in the country, I need a backup means of connecting to the ‘net. It’s just simpler if you don’t have to take a dongle with you.

The 17″ G4 Powerbook is a really nice machine and the underlying *nix OS is just fine with me. I ordered 2gb of RAM from and the installation took all of 5 minutes. About This Mac now reports 2gb of DDR2 RAM, which should really help when running Virtual PC.

Now, the software tools need to be identified, located, and installed.