at the corner of No and Where

GPS is coming

I bought a Garmin 2610 gps system on eBay, and received it yesterday. After installing the mapping software on my laptop, and a bit of futzing around to get it unlocked, I loaded maps into the gps and took a short drive to see how it works. Actually, I’m impressed. I will undoubtedly learn to use the features of this unit over time, there are a lot of options to set. Basic operation is fairly intuitive, but learning the other features will make it even more useful.

By all accounts, this is one of the best units for use on a motorcycle as it uses compactflash (CF) cards to hold the map files, rather than an internal hard drive. Hard drives are not as forgiving to motorcycle vibration.

Mounting it will take some thought to get it right. I will probably just buy an AC adapter and cut the cord off to hardwire it into the bike’s electrical system. You can buy a power cord but it’s more than twice the AC adapter’s price and the power cord includes an audio connection that I won’t use on the bike anyway. Also, if it were to be stolen or damaged, my insurance only covers it if it is hardwired. Cigarette lighter plugs and sockets don’t count. Think about that before you wire up a socket for your gps power.